
sábado, 7 de julio de 2018

BAIRD - The Library Of Babel

No se sabe mucho sobre Baird de 21 años en este momento, pero su dedicación al arte del sonido es impresionante, especialmente teniendo en cuenta el hecho de que está haciendo su debut con un collage de casi ocho minutos.

Lanzado en Majestic Casual, "The Library of Babel" es una pieza que Baird hizo en respuesta a la historia corta del mismo nombre de Jorge Luis Borges. La historia de Borges imagina el universo como una biblioteca llena de todas las iteraciones posibles en un solo libro, y la pieza de Baird corre paralelo a ese tema combinando varias iteraciones de una canción.

Sonic bliss and contemplation abound in Baird's debut "The Library of Babel" [Premiere]

There’s not much known about 21 year old Baird at this time but his dedication to the art of sound is impressive, especially considering the fact that he’s making his debut with a nearly eight minute collage.

Released on Majestic Casual, “The Library of Babel” is a piece Baird made in response to Jorge Luis Borges’ short story of the same name. Borges’ story imagines the universe as a library filled with every possible iteration on a single book, and Baird’s piece parallels that theme by combining together several iterations of a song.

Every bit is in the same key and tempo but what makes “The Library of Babel” a visceral and yet introspectively engaging experience is Baird’s seamless ability to make sonic transitions feel like a necessary part of understanding and enjoying the piece. The piece begins with ripples of pure instrumental bliss, and as it develops colors jump in and out, smatterings of unobstructed grace that shift the points of their gradients with ease. A set of lyrics peppers their way in between the first half of “The Library of Babel”, deceivingly sweet yet speaking to the anxiety and superficiality induced by insensitive places and the people you encounter there.

The piece is a persuasive exploration of sound and it will be interesting seeing where Baird continues with his music. Perfectly summed up, Baird suggests that “The Library of Babel” is “best enjoyed with your eyes closed, or watching birds, or on a long car ride.”

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